Our talk with CHAYMA
3 March 2021
"As a mechanical engineer, I have to intervene in solutions and research"
Congratulations to the winner of the HeroesToo Design Challenge 2020-21, Chayma Bedoui!
Last week we had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Chayma about her participation in the challenge, the inspiration of her idea and much more!
Chayma plans to use the challenge's grand prize, a 3D printer, to set up a 3D print-club for children in her local area!
A special thank you to our sponsors @GrabCad @stratasys @steelcase & @makerbot for their support of the challenge
Collective action helps to solve larger issues! Let's work together! We can all be HeroesToo!

We have a WINNER!!
26 February 2021
Congratulations to our winner with her outstanding concept "The Compact Queue".
Meet Chayma Bedoui - a 29 year-old mechanical engineer from Tunisia, currently living in Canada and working as an educator at a childcare centre.
We at HeroesToo applaud your efforts and thank all those who have participated in the challenge!
We have our
6 Finalists
18 February 2021
This design & product would allow for students and teachers to work in close proximity to each other, while transparent polypropylene sheets would keep each other safe!
Social Distancing Bench / Chair
This furniture would allow social distancing and sanitisation, while being able to move into several configurations!
This watch would maintain social distancing in enclosed environment by measuring the distance via Bluetooth and alerting the users if they're too close!
This frock already measures the social distancing requirements when worn!
This would reduce the length of the existing queue, maintain spacing & act as a protective barrier between people. Simultaneously, people may rest while waiting and communicate securely!
This sofa maintains distance while being able to communicate with others as normal!
We are truly thankful for all your hardwork! We can all be HeroesToo
HeroesToo presents
Design Challenge 2020-21:
Creative ideas in a pandemic
Putting your imaginative spirit to the test, HeroesToo Design Challenge 2020-21 aims to promote creative thinking and problem-solving capabilities among the student community, while addressing social and environmental issues.
The challenge is open to teams from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong and abroad. The teams will have to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for social distancing issues while retaining the essence of ‘pre-social distancing’ normalcy.

Details of Design Challenge 2020-21
The competition is looking for a design that can act as a physical barrier, serving the purpose of social distancing, while
maintaining the dynamics (i.e. form of communication, lunchtime set up, fluid exchange of ideas etc.) of the original
learning environment.
Create a sustainable design idea that makes your school life normal again, while keeping the social distance guidelines in place.
It should, for example, allow you to: spend your lunchtime with your classmates, eating, laughing or playing; have team competitions like sports or musical events; have normal social interactions with your classmates and teachers
A design that can eventually be manufacture and distributed on a large scale by our partners, helping to address the issue of social distancing in a sustainable way
A design that is beyond what is available in the market right now
Imagine you win, hundreds of thousands of people will be using your invention?!
Let’s put our thinking caps on and get this problem solved!
Participant Categories
Senior Primary Group (P4 to P6)
Junior Secondary Group (S1 to S3)
Senior Secondary Group (S4 to S6)
Prizes for Winners
1.) Hong Kong Schools:
First Place – 1x 3D Printer for the school*, for each category + 1st place certificates for all team members
Second Place – 1x 3D Printer for the school*, for each category + 2nd place certificates for all team members
All participants will receive a certificate recognizing their effort
2.) International submissions (outside of Hong Kong):
First Place – 1x 3D Printer for the school*
*All 3D printers (sponsored by Stratasys) will be sent directly to the nominated school on the submission for locations in Hong Kong and abroad upon verification conducted by HeroesToo directly with the schools. Prizes cannot be substituted with cash.
Rules for participation
The competition is open to students only, whose entries should be submitted as teams, not individually.
A school and a teacher should be assigned for communication and support on submissions.
First round will only accept entries in PDF or PPT format, more about that below.
Entries can be in Chinese or English.
How to submit your idea
The HeroesToo Design Challenge has two submission stages:
First Phase for all students on the GrabCAD community (Deadline - 05 Feb 2021 extended from 15 Jan 2021)
Submission of a proposal / concept using the PowerPoint template provided (download available on the GrabCAD dedicated page via Link below)
The entries using this template should be submitted in PDF or PPT format.
A sketch / image / drawing of the design should be submitted within and separately alongside the proposal.
All submissions should be sent via the GrabCAD community platform, accessible also through the direct link available on the HeroesToo official website (Link below).
Submission period is from 16 Nov 2020 to 05 Feb 2021.
Details of the shortlisted finalists will be announced on 19 Feb 2021 extended from 29 Jan 2021.
The winning concept among all international submissions outside of Hong Kong will be announced on 26 Feb 2021 extended from 05 Feb 2021.
Second Phase for Hong Kong students only (Deadline – 26 Mar 2021, extended from 12 Mar 2021 )
The entries that make it to the second phase (finalists) will be required to design:
A 3D-printable model in the form of a digital file (.stl) and submitted directly to HeroesToo.
All finalist models will be prototyped on a 3D printer sponsored by Stratasys at their offices based in Hong Kong.
A one to two minutes introduction video about the design will also be required.
More details on the requirements about the second phase entry and additional support for building a 3D-printable model will be shared directly with the finalists at a later stage.
Judging Criteria
The Judges of Design Challenge will consider various aspects of the proposal and design itself and give out scores using the following criteria:
Originality of the Design: 20%
Interpretation and clarity of the theme: 20%
Feasibility of the design: 20%
Artistic feature of the design: 20%
Overall composition: 20%
Submissions Closed
Details of the shortlisted finalists will be announced on 19 Feb 2021 (extended from 29 Jan 2021) directly on the GrabCAD community platform.
The winning concept among all international submissions outside of Hong Kong will be announced on 26 Feb 2021 (extended from 05 Feb 2021 ), with the prize being sent a few weeks later.
The finalists for the second phase among Hong Kong schools will be contacted directly via email to arrange and clarify the next steps.
Additional Design Thinking Workshops (Hong Kong only)
Design Thinking Workshops will be held online, open to all Hong Kong Primary and Secondary students to participate free of charge with all details shared directly to schools. Register your interest by email challenge@heroestoo.com
Terms and Conditions
Only one entry will be accepted per team. Multiple entries from the same team will be disqualified.
No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.
The winners agree to the use of their names and images in whichever publicity material made by HeroesToo and its partners in relation to the Design Challenge 2020-21, as well as their entry details, ideas, images and designs.
The winners also agrees to give HeroesToo and its sponsors preference on any decision to turn the winning idea into a commercial product, subject to signing a common agreement that shall be fair and benefit all adjoining parts.
Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrant will be used solely in accordance with current data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to any third party without the entrant’s prior consent.
The promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, national disaster or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the promoter’s control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.
By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
HeroesToo shall have the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to change or modify these terms and conditions.

Founder & CEO
Ambroise D’Hauteville
Education Director
Steelcase Asia Pacific
Tomoko Kotsuji
Senior Industrial Designer
Steelcase Asia Pacific
Founder & Creative Director
L.I.M. Design Work
Former Chairman
Hong Kong Designers Association
Director 3D Printing
& additive solutions
Prize sponsorship by
Supported by